We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.

  • A Wi-Fi-connected movie projector that easily converts any wall, both indoor and outdoor, into a personal theater. Once you sync it with a device like...

  • A set of bed bands that will lock your fitted sheets neatly into place so you can stop shoving the loose corners under your duvet whenever you're too....

  • sleep-focused essential oils blend made with chamomile, sage, and lavender to help soothe anxiety and reduce stress before bedtime.

1. A pair of hooks for your AirPods to stop them from slip n' sliding right out of your ears, then onto the sidewalk, then somehow rolling into traffic, then under the wheel of a Ford Explorer, and — well. If you're constantly readjusting your AirPods cuz you have sweaty ears like mine, you get the gist.

reviewer with earpods in ear
close up of airpods with small white hooks on them

These also work great for wired EarPods!

Promising review: "Couldn’t be happier with my purchase! I’ve never been able to wear EarPods because they always fell out. These Earhoox have completely solved that problem. They work so well, in fact, I can’t imagine what activity could make them fall out. 100% satisfied, would recommend and would definitely buy again." —bern

Get a set of two pairs (one small, one large) from Amazon for $9.99 (available in three colors).

2. sparkling-wine saver that will keep your bubblies bubbling so you can pop your prosecco any day of the week without resigning yourself to wasting the leftovers.

A model sealing and then pumping the saver cap on a bottle of wine
Amazon / Via amazon.com

I purchased one of these at the aggressive behest of a friend, and it's LEGIT. I told myself I was a Red Wine Lady my whole life because it was easier to save for later, but now that I don't live in constant fear of wasting the bubbly stuff, I am an All Wine Lady and have finally achieved my truest form.

Promising review: "This product was a real surprise for me, I was never able to keep my bubblies as fresh and bubbly after the first opening. Three days later, and my expensive Brut tastes just as nice. Frankly, this is probably going to become my go-to gift from now on... pair a nice bottle to it and voila! Thumbs up!" —RonBY

Check out BuzzFeed's review of the wine saver here!

Get it from Amazon for $11.97.

3. An adjustable neck mount for your phone to rescue your poor arm from the ache of holding it up during endless FaceTimes — plus, now with your hands free, virtual dinner or drinks with friends will be a total breeze.

Model with neck mount around head watching something on a phone
Neck mount standing on a table to be used as a stand

You can also use it to steady your phone on a flat surface, or wedge it between couch cushions for stable Netflix marathoning!

Promising review: "Best invention for cell phones and tablets. This is one of the best products ever! I use it for my lives, FaceTime, and for watching my iPad. Super light and comfy! My hands feel better after one week if use!" —Dannette M. Cara

Get it from Amazon for $10.85.

4. And a beauty spatula that'll rescue that last lil' bit of foundation that no amount of wrestling with nozzles or the pull of gravity will free. It's been a lifetime of lost .05-ounce foundation scams, but now you can OUT-SCAM THE SCAM!!

A reviewer holding a small spatula next to an empty makeup container
Closeup of empty container

Promising review: "I used this spatula to entirely use up a glass jar of foundation. I got four full face applications out of the remainder that wouldn't come out before. It's flexible to reach the corners and long enough to reach the bottom. Since I won't need it for foundation for a while I may use it to more hygienically scoop moisturizer out of a jar instead of using my hands." —J fox

Get it from Amazon for $5.49.

5. six-outlet wall charger designed specifically for larger chargers that also comes equipped with two USB fast-charging ports *and* a nightlight, so you can get rid of that ugly power strip on the floor you keep tripping on by your bed in the middle of the night.

Charger with several large plugs in it

Promising review: "Excellent design that solved my long-term issue! I have a corner wall outlet where we plug in digital clock, table lamp, computer charger and cell phone chargers. For a long time we have been using an outlet extender strip, which has a thick long line laying on the floor. Even with the multiple outlets the extender provided, we sometimes still need to unplug and re-plug some chargers because they have big head that occupies multiple outlet spaces. Surprisingly, this relatively small device provides large space on the side which can easily fit two big head chargers, USB outlet saves you another charger head space, and the night light function makes it easy for you to see the outlets in dark corners or at night. This product is a perfect space saver for office and entertainment areas for your home. Thumbs up!" —LawSchoolStudent2L

Get it from Amazon for $19.97.

6. roll-on migraine stick made with peppermint, spearmint, and lavender oils to help you soothe away those vague headaches you've been trying to ignore until they go away.

Reviewer holding small roll on stick

Promising review: "This stuff is my go-to fix when I feel a migraine coming on. I suffer from sinus headaches and migraines usually once or twice a week. This product I put on each temple, under my nose and on my wrists when I feel the pressure starting and it cuts the pain to a minimum. It seems to stop the worst pain before it has a chance to start. Thank you for a great product! I will buy again and again!" —Brenton1985

Read BuzzFeed's review of the migraine stick for more deets!

Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

7. A polite but firm door sign for anyone whose Zoom calls are constantly getting interrupted by their dogs going bonkers whenever someone dares to approach the door.

Wooden sign that says "We are working from home, please do not knock, easily distracted pets inside"
JK Vinyl & Wood Design/Etsy

JK Vinyl & Wood Design is family-owned Etsy shop established in 2016 that specializes in home items like mugs, signs, decals, earrings, and more.

Promising review: "This actually is working!!! UPS and Fedex quit ringing my doorbell! I’ve had a sign up for two years not to ring my doorbell because it makes my dog bark/baby sleeping... and no one paid attention to it and still was ringing the doorbell. I’m running meetings everyday during the lunch hour which is exactly when fedex and ups come.. and exactly when my dog goes nuts. Usually I’d let him out for the meetings but sometimes they won’t leave my packages if it’s not my regular drivers that know my dog. Anyway! They finally quit ringing my doorbell! Yay!!! And the sign is pretty! And easy to see and read!" —Andrea Lee

Get it from JK Vinyl & Wood Design on Etsy for $12.95+ (available in two sizes).

Psst — this shop offers ✨free shipping✨ !

8. A set of eye-popping fine-point pens designed specifically not to bleed through pages, so you can write in your planners and journals in peace.

Fine point pens in 18 different colors

Promising review: "This is a perfect companion for my new planner 2020. It’s ideal for me to organize my planner with multi color entries on my planner. 18 color pens are crafted with a style. They are very sturdy and easy to hold on hand. The fine tips give stylish writing. I love to send them as gifts for my kids." —David

Get a set of 18 from Amazon for $7.98 (clip the $2 off coupon on the product page for this price).

9. A pack of NeuroGum made with a blend of caffeine and nootropics, designed to give you energy five times faster than regular coffee — without jitters or sluggishness afterward. That chronic 3 p.m. slump when you suddenly have the attention span of a goldfish just met its match.

BuzzFeed editor holding packs of gum
Closeup of white round piece of gum
Kayla Suazo/BuzzFeed

Promising review: "As a medical student this has been an amazing addition to my daily study regimen. Same amazing boost as the Diet Coke and coffee I used to chug, but without the jitters, crash/headache, or teeth staining. It's become my new go-to for staying awake and alert in the OR or on the wards. Highly recommend for anyone who needs a pick-me-up but doesn't want that 'wired' sensation you get from coffee." —R. Sardesai

Get a nine-pack with six pieces of gum each from Amazon for $21.

You can read BuzzFeed editor Kayla Suazo's full review of NeuroGum for more deets!

10. memory foam seat cushion for your tushy so effective at relieving pressure from your tailbone and back that you might not even realize how *much* of a problem you have with your current chair setup until you get that sweet, sweet relief.

Gray memory seat cushion fitted on a rolling chair

Promising review: "This seat cushion is SO GOOD. I have had a lot of problems with pressure on my tailbone and resulting back problems, and they've been getting worse. I will be honest, I have only tried the old-fashioned medical donuts, so I don't have much to compare it to. However, this cushion is nicely thick, and the cutout and contours are so perfect and they take all pressure off my tailbone. After working for a few hours, I got up and for the first time in almost a year, didn't have pain. Normally, the pressure on my tailbone becomes pretty bad while sitting, but produces an even sharper pain upon standing. Feeling so great for the first time prompted me to buy another for work so I could keep this one at home and never be without it! Hopefully, reducing the pressure on my tailbone will also help it heal, but even being free from pain is wonderful." —CSC

Get it from Amazon for $34.95 (clip the 20% off coupon on the product page for this price).

11. An internet-beloved time-marked water bottle you can get in a bajillion different colors to remind you to stay hydrated during the day, so you can finally stop halfheartedly chugging water at the end of it and then waking up to pee three times a night.

green water bottle
ombre purple and blue water bottle

Promising review: "I love the finish on the bottle! I hate holding wet water bottles and this does NOT sweat! It also holds two full bottles of 16.9-oz. packages water bottles so it’s very easy to get my full water intake on the go! Easy to carry, fits in my car's cup holders perfectly (not big at all like some water bottles). I got the ombré purple to teal and it’s very true to color. Easy to clean, wide enough for bottle brushes, and the straw stays put. I also love how I just push the little button by the mouthpiece and it just pops open quick for easy drinking (if you’re driving and don’t need to be messing around opening bottles😉). Highly recommend this water bottle. For the price, it’s amazing! Keeps my water cool for hours too." —Alicia

Get it on Amazon for $18.99 (available in 13 colors).

12. A super quiet, lightweight, portable electric pet nail trimmer that even the most easily spooked pupper or resentful cat will appreciate — its gentle vibrations make the whole process less alarming to their lil' brains, so you won't be negotiating with Whiskers for an hour and before getting the job done.

White wand-shaped nail grinder showing three different settings for different sized dogs and nails

Rexipets is a Utah-based small business that specializes in products for easier, safer pet grooming.

Promising review: "This works very well for my Golden Retriever and Husky. Both are very big dogs and scared of getting their nails trimmed. The Rexipets grinder is quiet and easy to use. I expected the battery to die and need charging after one dog, but I was able to trim them both. The great features allow me to be comfortable when taking care of my pets and that puts them at ease as well. I highly recommend!" —Robert

Get it from Amazon for $22.94.

13. An insulated soundproofing strip that easily sticks to the outer rims of your door so you no longer have to fall asleep to sound of your roommate loudly recording a podcast with someone over Skype.

A reviewer's door with the strip already installed on the edges
A close up of what the strips look like in the middle that shows the foam part

Psst — this insulated strip also stops air conditioning from escaping out of the crack under the door, saving energy and money!

Promising review: "I came across this blessing in disguise after being completely FED UP with noise from my siblings in my house when I'm trying to sleep for work the next day. I bought sound proof padding as you would use in a studio, it helped, but not that much. Not actually realizing that it's not really the door I have to worry about... IT'S AROUND THE DOOR. It never dawned on me to look into door sealing options. MANNNN this is everything I needed. I followed the instructions although I already knew what to do with it, the glue is very adhesive, it really has a true feeling of what I would expect this product to feel like. I quickly installed it and EUREKA. IT WORKS, it does not budge or move regardless of how hard my door closes. I was listening to my sibling take a phone call when the door was open then after I was done, I closed the door and POOF, noise no more!" —Bobby

Get it from Amazon for $8.97 (available in four colors).

14. An elegant pure copper face mask chain for when you're in the car between errands. It even comes with two sets of hooks to make sure it'll have a universal fit on any mask you own (and converts to an eyeglasses chain!).

Model in a copper face mask chain

Promising review: "I am so happy to have found this gorgeous chain for my mask wearing! It is light weight and functional. The color is fabulous and it works well to keep my mask with me. Clear instructions came with the item and how to attach it to the face covering as well as cleaning. No more forgetting my mask in the car when I head into the shopping arena. I have some friends who I know would love this, so I am recommending it to them! Thank you for your clever thought." —Wishbone

Get it from Amazon for $9.89 (available in three styles).

15. sunrise simulation clock to trick your human brain into thinking you're already dappled in the light of a bright, sunshiny day when you wake up, even if you're up before the sunrise or nowhere near a window.

A sunrise alarm clock in three stages of lighting up from dim to brighter to brightest over the course of a half hour

You can sync this alarm clock with an app on your phone (or with an Alexa or Google Home), and it will gradually brighten the room with red-tinted light designed to fight grogginess in the minutes leading up to your wakeup. By the time your alarm goes off, your eyes will have already adjusted to the "daylight," so you won't be as tempted to hit snooze. It also has customizable sounds to wake you up, like "Hawaiian waves."

Promising review: "Best purchase ever! I’ve been staying with my parents since this whole COVID thing happened and my room is in the basement with no windows so it’s hard to tell what time of day it is. This has helped me get up in the mornings at my normal time." —Megan Smith

*Another* promising review: "I used this to help my daughter get re-adjusted to waking up earlier. Since COVID-19 she had been sleeping in since March to 11am! Now that school has started again the light has helped her to make the transition from waking up at 6 a.m.. This has helped greatly to make it easier for her to adjust back to her old sleep schedule." —Tiffany Morales

Get it from Amazon for $45.99.

16. neuropathy cream made with castor oil, valerian root, peppermint, and hemp flower that may help anyone whose sleep is constantly getting interrupted by chronic pain.

A jar of "naturally neuro cream"
Body Essentials Herbal Care/Etsy

Body Essentials Herbal Care is a Colorado-based, woman-owned Etsy shop established in 2015 that specializes in zero waste hair and skincare.

Promising review: "I will always buy this for my dad. He's diabetic, has advanced neuropathy in his feet and ankles, worked 40+ years as a meat cutter on a cemented floor, and has Charko (the calcification of veins, with limited ankle joint rotation). I rub this AMAZING cream onto his feet before bed every night. If I don't he wakes up in pain and his feet/ankle joints are stiff. This cream is a godsend." —uenaverin160

Get it from Body Essentials Herbal Care on Etsy for $25 (psst — this item ships for free!).

17. A bottle of paleo-friendly, gluten-free avocado hot sauce so you can add a bit of savory and a kick of spice to save all those at-home meals you've been making that have gotten a little, well, boring. (No offense to microwave pizza! She's trying her best.)

Avocado hot sauce bottle and a pita with sauce in it

The question is less what can you put it on and more what *can't* you put it on. Reviewers mention salads, burritos, eggs, burgers, sandwiches, and steak. Psst — it's also keto-friendly and gluten-free, if you have any dietary preferences or restrictions!

Promising review: "So good. Favorable and just a mild hot, it's really good on anything that needs a little something — eggs, beans and rice, etc. Not a 'hot sauce' as much as a flavor enhancer. And, name aside, not really avocado in flavor; the avocado base just provides a little creamier, smoother, richer base for the spiciness. I can see people who don't like avocados still liking this sauce." —Jennifer

Get it from Amazon for $11.99 (also available in Mango and Jalapeno flavor).

18. A popular streak-free anti-fog spray you can quickly apply to eyeglasses, sunglasses, and face shields to prevent them from fogging up while you're wearing a mask.

reviewer holding up glasses next to bottle of fog gone
Reviewer holding up bottle of spray with unfogged glasses and face mask on

A heads up that this works *super* well for some reviewers, but not all — note that this is meant for non antireflective-coated lenses, and the instructions for use are very specific. To apply, spray a small amount on both sides of your lenses, and use your fingers to rub it across the whole area. Let it sit for a full minute, then wipe with a dry soft cloth. Once they're fully dry, you should be raring to go!

Promising review: "I have tried everything to keep my glasses from fogging with my mask and this product is by far the best. I'm sorry I waited so long to purchase it. I live in the Florida Keys and do a lot of diving and snorkeling and it works fabulous for my dive mask also. I would highly recommend Optix 55 fog gone. Great price, also I think this bottle will last a very long time." —Bebe

Get it from Amazon for $10.55.

19. A pair of wireless sleep headphones that will play white noise or the music of your choice in a comfy headband, so you don't have to risk your ears getting sore while ya snooze.

A model sleeping with the headphone band around her ears

Promising review: "I’ve used these almost every day of quarantine to drown out the sound of upstairs neighbors. I wouldn’t compare the sound quality to other brands but the design is perfect for sleeping, exercise, cleaning, and every day wear." —Demi Boyd

Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

20. A suuuper popular Bio-Oil made with vitamins A and E, chamomile, and lavender — you may recognize it as a product a lot of people use to help fade scars (both old and new), soothe cracked and dry skin, and help moisturize without affecting your pores, but people are also using it in quarantine to help with dry and painful skin on their hands from hand-washing and sanitizing.

A model rubbing bio-oil on their hands

FWIW re: scars, though, this stuff really works. I had thyroid surgery a few years ago and Bio-Oil took me from looking like I'd stumbled out of the Red Wedding to virtually no detectable scar within a few months. All I did was apply it once in the morning and once at night.

Promising review: "I bought this for my scars but because of the current Covid-19 crisis I have been washing my hands so much that they are painfully dry. Hand cream hasn't helped enough so I decided to use the Bio-Oil on them and even after the first application they felt SO much better! I'm glad I bought the big bottle!" —L. Strand

Get it from Amazon for $8.89 (available in three sizes).

21. A bunch of Miracle-Gro "food spikes" that can bring plants as sad as the tree from A Charlie Brown Christmas back from the brink of death, and then will continuously feed them for 30 to 60 days as a bonus.

Model pressing small green pellet into potted plant

Promising review: "I have several houseplants that had stopped flowering, so I put a few of these spikes in the pot (there are directions on the back of the package for quantity), and approximately a month after I used these spikes, my peace lily had three flowers on it, and my African violets plants all got several blooms on them! This also worked wonders for my plants that don't flower! I noticed that my ivy and cactus plants started growing faster, and they became greener and healthier looking. I am very happy with this product, and I will buy it again." —Elizabeth

Get a set of 24 from Amazon for $2.98.

22. A set of adhesive cable clips you can stick to your desk to keep your charging cables locked in one convenient place, so your desk will no longer be a veritable jungle of cords that makes you wince every time you see it.

Peel and stick clips that cinch a charging cord and hold it in place on a desk

Promising review: "It was always a pain to reach down the side of my bed to reach my chargers, not to mention the wad of cables I’d have to sift through just to charge my phone. I finally searched for a solution and came across these. They’re great! They’re really easy to stick on and they stay in place. I haven’t had an issue of them falling off. Whenever I need to charge a device they’re right next to me, easy to reach and untangled. I definitely recommend!" —Nelis Perez

Get a set of six from Amazon for $6.97.

23. compact Bluetooth-enabled treadmill so small you can actually — gasp?? — do a workout in your studio apartment. This compact lil' bb folds for easy, lightweight storage right under your bed. No muss, no fuss, just steps!

The treadmill with the handrail engaged
A smartphone open to the Treadly app which allows users to join workout groups and keep track of goals
Chelsea Stuart / BuzzFeed, Treadly

Promising review: "The versatile treadmill is super lightweight and simple but it still keeps track of your speed, steps, time, and distance. The aluminum-reinforced hydraulic handrail allows you to start, stop, pause, and increase or decrease speed just like any other model. While the standard Treadly is controlled with a remote, the Treadly 2 works with an IOS app where you can set daily or monthly goals, join live groups, or compete against friends. I just got the Treadly 2 which has been massively helpful during quarantine. My mom was the only one home when it was delivered and despite being only 5' tall (she'll tell you she's 5'2"), she managed to get it into the house and up a full flight of stairs because she's just that stubborn. (She does now admit it's a two-person job, however.) Setup is a breeze as it's literally already put together — all you have to do it plug it in. The controls are easy to use and once you pair it with your smartphone, the app instantly recognizes whenever you turn the treadmill on. Beth (aka my mom) has an Apple watch so she used the activity tracker on there to see if the distance and calories matched up between Apple's tech and Treadly's tech and they did so she gives that a thumbs up. After walking on it for a few weeks (roughly an hour per night, four nights a week), her favorite things are: The switch functionality (great for interval training), how stable it feels both on carpet and laminate or hardwood (she tried both), and overall ease of use ("it feels like you're walking on an airport people mover!"). Her only advice for Treadly — if you're listening — is to add a cupholder accessory LOL." —Chelsea Stuart, BuzzFeed Staff

Get it from Treadly for $749+ (originally $849+; available in Basic and Plus models).

24. A set of Bottle Bright tablets so you can tackle all those stains on your bottles and travel mugs instead of quietly buying new ones every year when it seems like they're past the point of no return.

Before, during, and after of a stain-caked water bottle turned clean by the tablet

Promising review: "I seriously can't believe how well these little tablets work. I had the most disgusting Hydro Flask coffee mug; I tried everything — bottle brush, different kinds of soap, vinegar, EVERYTHING — and there was still a seemingly impenetrable layer of black sludge inside. It grossed me out so much that I bought ANOTHER Hydro Flask to replace it. Eventually they both got black inside, so I tried these little magic tablets. I let a tablet sit in each of my mugs for an hour or two, and the black sludge rinsed out COMPLETELY, without even scrubbing. They look brand-new. What a magical product. No weird smell or taste afterward, either. I liked it so much that I used it on another Hydro Flask I use primarily to hold my Bloody Mary mix in the fridge. I couldn't put anything else in it because it would always taste like spicy tomato juice. Bottle Bright to the rescue! No residual smell or taste anymore. AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING." —Amazon Customer

Get a set of six from Amazon for $8.

25. A set of affordable, highly popular (seriously, these have over 100,000 five-star reviews!) wireless Bluetooth earbuds to prevent the wires on your headphones from getting tangled in your mask straps every time you want to pull them off on a walk or a run.

A pair of wireless earbuds in rose gold
A reviewer holding up an earbud to show its size

These come with a wireless charging case that provides up to 14 hours of charge (with the earbuds able to play for 4+ hours with each full charge). The earbuds are also sweatproof and waterproof so you can use them during workouts or runs, and have a built-in mic so you can chat on the phone.

Promising review: "The sound is great. Talking on the phone with a mask on is no problem — the person receiving my call could hear me perfectly. They stay in just fine while driving or working. This company has great customer service." —twomoms

Get it from Amazon $29.99+ (available in five colors).

26. A delightfully colorful shortcut keyboard cover so you can easily navigate through (and discover brand new!!) hacks for tricky programs like Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut Pro X, and more instead of typing "how-tos" into Google every two minutes.

A plastic keyboard cover with Adobe shortcuts on it
A plastic keyboard cover with Final Cut Pro shortcuts on it
Chic Geeks

Chic Geeks is a Black woman-owned tech accessory company that specializes in the "re-introduction of color and personalization" to bring back the nostalgia of colorful tech infused with modern devices.

Promising review: "I bought this keyboard cover as a gift for my niece who uses Final Cut Pro often. She absolutely loves it and discovered new shortcuts for editing. It’s totally worth the money." —Staci Rutherford

Get it from Chic Geeks: the Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts cover for $20 and the Final Cut Pro X Shortcuts cover for $20 (both available in most MacBook models and sizes).

Psst — you can check out MORE shortcut laptop keyboard covers on Chic Geeks' site!

27. Pet House candle with scents engineered to cancel out all those miscellaneous pet odors like litter boxes, dog bed, and all those lil' sprinkles of pee that you've just accepted as "eau de basement" since your pet came into your home.

A lavender green tea candle burning in a living room

Promising review: "These candles are fantastic! They smell great, and do a great job of eliminating any odors in your house, not only those from pets. They do work best if you burn them for 1-2 hours at a time, but will get rid of the smells of wet dog, fecal smells, urine odors, and I’ve even found them useful for cooking odors. I highly recommend these candles. I purchased the Vanilla Creme Brûlée scent. I often get headaches from powerful scents, but have never gotten one from these lovely candles!" —Heather

Get it from Amazon for $21.95 (available in 16 scents).

28. power scrubber brush you can attach to a DRILL (!!) that basically does all of the hard grime-busting for you, so you don't have to have sore arms for a week just because you dared to wipe down the shower.

one of the brushes attached to a drill next to a shower pane with half still fogged up and the other super clear

Promising review: "I got this for Christmas. Honestly I didn't think it would work. It sat around for 6-7 months before I tried it. Wow! My tiled shower had mold, mildew, iron, rust, hard water stains, dirt and every other nasty stain that can be had in a shower. With a little Comet and very little effort it took it all off. I have tried every cleaner, scrubbie that I could find to clean this shower. Nothing worked. Not even straight bleach. This scrubber worked. I am in shock that it worked. After a good workout I noticed that the some of the brushes were bent. The product is still worth the money even if I have to replace it. Overall this is a great product. I am going to be giving them as Christmas gifts this year." —FreddiesCat

Get it from Amazon for $14.95 (available in six colors).

29. A set of dishwasher-cleaning tablets you can pop into a cycle with your dirty dishes to wipe out all the extra grime and that funky smell you were low-key hoping would just go away on its own.

before image of streaked dirty dishwasher
after image of clean dishwasher

Now you can host your get-togethers without that one helpful friend being like *GASP* when they see the state of your dishwasher.

Promising review: "We have very hard water in this area, and though my dishwasher is supposed to be self-cleaning when you use the right detergent (which I have been), it's been getting gunkier and gunkier and a couple of months ago the rinse aid dispenser stopped filling properly. When I looked that up, the online advice said that can happen if it gets too dirty and gave advice on running the dishwasher with vinegar and other tricks. But I saw this and, being pleased with Affresh's machine cleaners I'd used on my clothes washer, decided to try it. It worked AMAZINGLY, in ONE try. My rinse aid dispenser immediately started working good as new again, and my dishwasher is the cleanest it's been since we got it! Love it!" —Mouriana

Get a six-pack from Amazon for $9.39.

30. foot file just as effective — if not more so! — than going to a salon. This will remove calluses and hard or cracked skin from your feet with some gentle, pain-free rubbing. It works whether your feet are dry or wet at the time, and will leave your heels so soft you might start petting them.

Before image of a cracked foot with an after image of the skin smooth

Promising review: "Okay, I was skeptical because there are so many to choose from and everyone has an opinion on what works and what doesn't. I have extremely crusty feet and because Covid was going on, I hadn't been able to get to the salons so I bought this and tried it at home. IT WORKED! I am very pleased. My feet are hella soft and I ain't embarrassed wearing flip-flops. This product 100% works so if you are looking for a product like I was and taking forever to make a decision ... then stop and buy this one." —Serlencie Vick Abram Jr

Get it from Amazon for $8.95.

31. produce-saver storage container designed to keep your fruits and veggies fresh way longer, so you can finally stop surrendering to the race against time when your produce goes bad faster than you can finish it.

1st day raspberries in jar
Raspberries on the 6th day still fresh

Promising review: "I was skeptical at first. What kind of witchcraft could these small plastic bins be born from that would make them somehow extend the life of our otherwise short-lived produce? Well, let me tell you — if it was witchcraft that produced these containers, then call the Sanderson sisters and get them rolling on another batch! Down here in southeastern Virginia, the produce is terrible! We couldn’t get strawberries to last for more than three or four days. They’re so much cheaper to buy in the large containers, but then we had to eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner just to make sure they were gone before they started to get too soft and juicy. I was beginning to dislike strawberries. And that, ladies and gentlemen, would be a crime in and of itself. But along came these wonderful containers. They more than doubled the life of our berries, allowing me to once again think to myself, Eh, maybe this meal I will have kiwi." —Michael Territo

Read BuzzFeed's review of these "miracle" produce containers for more deets.

Get it from Amazon for $12.81.

32. broom for pet and human hair that can work on any type of floor, but is specifically designed to pull up the kind of pet hair that's so deep in the carpet you've just learned to live with it. (Trust me, your actual carpet is probably a different color than you think.)

Pile of hair next to the black silicone bristled broom
cat next to a pile of its own hair

An embarrassing confession: I do not have a pet, but I shed like nobody's business. My hair gets so ingrained in the carpet that a vacuum truly does nothing for it, so I often was just unrooting clumps of hair from the floor with my hands (sorry for the visual). I bought this broom and it immediately started pulling it up GOBS of hair. My carpet like, genuinely changed color (turns out the pink was supposed to be much pinker, whoops). Anyway, do with that semi-horrifying information what you will.

Promising review: "I bought this broom two years ago and it is still going strong! I have four large breed dogs and we have fur — EVERYWHERE! This works so so good! I came back and purchased one for my neighbor and sent one to my favorite pet rescue down south. I am always amazed at what this picks up even after I just ran the vacuum. If you remove the head from the handle you can use the head to do in all the crevices along baseboards where fur gets trapped on the carpets. I also use it that way to do the carpet corners on the stairs. Lastly I use it to get dust and cobwebs off the floors and ceilings. It truly is a super tool." —Roseann

Get it from Amazon for $12.44.

33. ring size adjuster for loose rings, so you can finally stop checking every eight minutes to make sure you're ring is, in fact, on your finger, and not rolling behind your furniture.

BuzzFeed editor with loose ring on finger
Closeup showing the coiled elastic on a ring making the fit much snugger
Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

As you can see, this is my own human hand pictured above. I'm obsessed with jewelry retailer Local Eclectic, but my ring finger is between two of their sizes — enter this plastic coil, which made up the size difference in the hottest second.

Promising review: "I’ve been holding off on getting my ring resized and decided to do something temporary till then. These are perfect! They came with a bunch of different sizes, and you only use a small amount of the one you need. If I end up needing it tighter again, I can swap it out for a larger coil. They are really easy to put on, and I hardly feel it at all on my finger. I’m not sure how long they will last because I haven’t had it for long, but it comes with enough extra that it would be easy to swap out if they don’t hold up." —Charet

Get a 12-pack in two sizes from Amazon for $8.49.

34. A set of bed bands that will lock your fitted sheets neatly into place so you can stop shoving the loose corners under your duvet whenever you're too tired to remake your whole bed in the morning.

Reviewer bed with loose sheets
Same bed with sheets fitted in place

Promising review: "I have a pillow top and pillow bottom queen-sized bed that is a little too small for king sheets and with queen sheets I have battled to keep the sheets from popping off. I have tried everything! I was about to try to customize some king sheets because it was so frustrating. Then I saw this product advertised on Facebook in one of those posts about the amazing products that people love. So I figured it was worth a try. It works. I was shocked. My sheets have not popped off once. I ordered this in February and it is May now---and they have not popped off once! They used to pop off EVERY .... SINGLE... NIGHT. To say this is life changing is not an exaggeration. Such a relief to be able to sleep through the night without ending up in rumpled sheets." —TinkerbellAPixie

Get a set of four from Amazon for $12.99.

35. seat gap filler so nobody will never again have to sacrifice a beloved french fry and/or phone to the abyss between the seat and the console.

A black seat filler wedged between a seat and car console

These Drop Stop seat gap fillers were originally featured on Shark Tank!

Promising review: "Decided to try these while I was still a bit skeptical that they'd work. I found they fit well in the space. I had to squish them in the space and then they expand back to fill the gap. We've dropped a couple things that would have most likely gone into that space and it was nice to see it do its job. Worth the money and decided I'm going to give this product as gifts this year. Figure most people won't already own it but would love to have it if they got a chance to try a set." —Amazon Customer

Get a two-pack from Amazon for $24.99.

36. A set of slow cooker liners so you can finally go *ham* with all those hard-to-clean recipes in your slow cooker that you stopped making after a half hour of prep led to an hour of soaking and scraping the remnants clean.

A plastic liner in a slow cooker making a chicken dish

Promising review: "I LOVE LOVE LOVE my slow cooker liners. Never again will I cook without one in my slow cooker! I've been using these for 2+ years and it still boggles my mind how much easier cleanup is nowadays. I'm not worried anymore about crusty sauce I have to clean off or things sticking to the bottom of the slow cooker itself. Now I just plop one of these easy to use bags inside and voila! Doesn't affect cook time and cleanup is a breeze — just pull bag out and toss and you're easily 95% of the way to a cleaned up slow cooker." —Minnemama2017

Get a set of six from Amazon for $2.98.

37. An electric wine opener to save soooo much time and effort — this rechargeable bb will safely pop it open in six seconds without any of the hassle.

The tube-shaped metal wine opener next to a bottle of wine it just uncorked

Promising review: "I just got it yesterday and was excited to try it out. First it looks so cool with its blue light. The foil cutter is awesome, took a second and cut the foil perfectly. Next I simply centered the corkscrew in the middle of the cork, pressed the down button and voila the cork came out, push the up button and cork is removed from the bottle opener. Why didn't I get this before? A few months later, still works great and I bought about four more as gifts. All recipients love it!!" —D.S.

Get it from Amazon for $19.06.

38. A bottle of Londontown Kur smudge-correcting nail polish to basically vanish away those marks you get when you use your recently nail-polished hand to open a large bag full of chips a little too aggressively*, and just have to live with the blunder.

Before image of a smudged blue fingernail and after image of it un-smudged

*Based on a true story.

Promising review: "This refreshes my worn-out manicure very well. I apply this as a topcoat over my old manicure. It respreads and smooths out the polish and leaves it fresh and shiny. It's a bit pricey, but it does save me a lot of time and trouble not having to repolish my nails." —SoniaSophia

Get it from Amazon for $14.

39. A soft silicone ear-saver and mask-extender that works overtime on problem-solving — not only does it take some of the pressure off your ears, but it helps make a more personalized fit on masks with elastic straps that don't *quite* fit your face.

A model wearing a mask that is pulled together around the back of their head by the silicone ear saver, which has three different toggles on the back for sizing

Psst — a lot of reviewers mention this worked great for kids' masks, especially since sizing for kids' faces is all over the place and difficult to measure out when you're buying masks online!

Promising review: "Works great! My mask stays put. I have a small face. Every mask I wear falls down and doesn't cover my nose. I've had people stop me and ask where they could could buy the strap extenders." —T. Panzek

Get a four-pack from Amazon for $6.99 (available in eight different color combos).

40. sleep-focused essential oils blend made with chamomile, sage, and lavender to help soothe anxiety and reduce stress before bedtime.

Reviewer holding a bottle of "Dream" essential oil blend

Promising review: "This works and helps with sleep!!!! I’ve been using this for awhile and during quarantine, for some reason, I couldn’t get a good night's rest. I have anxiety sometimes and can’t really sleep. I tried this oil and put two drops on my pillow and couple mins later, I’m deeply asleep😭 and it smells nice! I usually don’t like the smell of lavender, but it’s mixed with other scents so it isn’t too bad. I don’t use it all the time, but this does wonders." —DP

*Another* promising review: "This product is maybe the best product I have ever used. I have been having sleeping issues for the past month and a half. Ever since the quarantine I've been very anxious, frustrated, have anxiety. I came across this product and wanted to give it a try. OMG this product is amazing. I have been able to sleep and relax. It keeps me calm and serene. The blends are amazing and I would highly recommend this to anyone. My mom and sister loved it as well so we recently ordered 10 bottles between us three. This product was a lifesaver for me, I hope it will help you too. Highly recommended it helped me hopefully you too." —Amazon Customer

Get it from Amazon for $9.95.

Psst — if you don't have a diffuser, you can get a popular, well-reviewed essential oil diffuser on Amazon for $9.93.

41. A set of face mask storage clips your can use to keep your masks separate from the rest of your stuff while you're out and about.

A model sliding the clip with a face mask in it into their pocket
Three mask clips in pink, white, and blue that have masks stored in them

A lot of runners (it me) and people working outdoors usually end up swapping out face masks when theirs get too sweaty, so this could be a convenient way to store them — plus with the color coding, you'll know exactly which ones are used/dirty and which ones are still raring to go.

Promising review: "I prefer the colors since I know which color stays in my car, which goes in my purse/pocket, which stays at work and which carries the used masks so the masks and holders can be washed to go back in circulation avoiding any cross contamination. Keeps the masks clean and protected from my hands reaching into my bag or pocket. The clear ones went to my parents. We used colored markers to identify whom they belong to." —Jest Donahue

Get a five-pack from Amazon for $6.88.

42. A set of soft, workout-friendly Reebok face masks for anyone still struggling to find a decent mask to work out in — it's the best errand-running and *literal* running mask I've tried so far.

A model in a black Reebok mask with a logo
BuzzFeed editor in the mask
Reebok, Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

I ordered two packs of these back in June and WOW, do I love them. I wear one of them nearly every day for errand running and walks, and they're by far my favorite running/exercise mask so far. The material is protective but lightweight, with sort of a wetsuit feel. It stays locked in place while I'm running even though I sweat buckets. The seams are so subtle that they don't irritate my face. Also, I feel really cool wearing them, which is saying something, because I am the least cool person I know. Note: I got the M/L size and tied the elastic straps for a tighter fit; XS/S seems more geared to kids and people with smaller faces.

Promising review: "This is an awesome workout mask!! Very breathable material with a pocket for adding a filter. By far the best fitness mask I’ve purchased so far. I highly recommend purchasing this for serious fitness advocates." —DAKOTA86SW

Type Of Fit: Elastic ear straps

Pocket For Filter: Yes

Fabric Type: Recycled Polyester & Elastane

Shipping Time: Expected to ship in 6-7 business days

Get a set of three from Reebok for $20.

43. Plus an anti-fog accessible face mask with a clear window to benefit the deaf and hard-of-hearing and ASL interpreters. This may also be a good solution for teachers of younger kids who rely on social cues like smiling and expression more than older kids who understand what the masks are in place for.

A model in a blue face mask with a transparent window for their mouth
Randl By Design/Etsy

Randl By Design is a California-based Etsy shop established in 2020 that specializes in silk sleepwear and accessible face masks.

Promising review: "Thank you so much for making these for me! I’m a speech therapist and it’s important for my students to see my mouth! The masks are great and fast delivery. Thank you!!!" —Kelly Dwyer

Type Of Fit: Adjustable ear straps

Pocket For Filter: No

Fabric Type: Cotton

Shipping Time: Expected to ship in 3-5 business days

Get it from Randl By Design on Etsy for $24.99+ (available in three sizes and 18 styles).

44. A set of itty bitty dermaplaning razors you can use to take care of those lil' unibrow hairs that keep dodging your tweezers or work whatever face fuzzies you might want to take care of in a gentle way — an especially handy tool when many of us can't head to a salon like we normally would.

Model using tool on their forehead
Two thin razors

This tool also helps soften skin by gently exfoliating as you use it!

Promising review: "I will start by saying that I am someone who is used to getting regular facials that include dermaplaning. I bought this because this service was no longer available to me during COVID (social distancing). I needed something to clear away dead skin and fine hairs. This product did NOT disappoint. The first time I used this blade/product I was absolutely amazed at the results. I washed my face and hands before using this. Once my face was dry, I used this to clear away dried skin areas and fine hair. My face felt amazing. I then proceeded to follow my moisturizing routine. It literally felt like I came from the spa. They came three to a package so this was a great buy for the amount of money spent. I have used one blade roughly three to four times and still don't feel the need to switch to a new blade yet. Excellent purchase." —Valerie Denison

Get a set of three from Amazon for $4.99.

45. contoured sleep mask designed to alleviate pressure from your eyes and plunge you into total delicious darkness, while staying put on your head without any Velcro snagging in your hair.

reviewer wearing black sleep mask
underside of sleep mask to show contour

Promising review: "I don’t require complete darkness when I sleep, so I hadn’t thought I’d ever want a sleep mask. Then 2020 happened! The pandemic and its associated anxiety have messed up my sleep in a major way. I often get to sleep just fine but wake up later unable to get back to sleep. I’ve decreased caffeine, established a regular bedtime, avoided screens hours before bed, and tried melatonin. I guess it’s all mental for me, but when I wake up like that, heart racing and sweaty, and I can’t see anything — no clocks or moonlight, no dozing form of my beloved next to me, no cat demon staring at the foot of the bed—I tend to settle down easier. It’s like wearing the mask reminds me I’m supposed to shut my eyes and sleep. And I usually do, right until the alarm goes off. I like the molded cups around the eyes. A flat mask would make me feel like I’m rubbing off all my eye cream and lash serum through the night. I have not washed this mask yet, but I think it’ll hold up just fine gently hand washing it. The adjustable band is soft and doesn’t slip out of place. If you’re on the fence about trying a sleep mask, you might as well get a really nice one! Give this a try, especially if you have anxiety like I described." —Anna

Get it from Amazon for $17.99 (available in three colors).

46. A Wi-Fi-connected movie projector that easily converts any wall, both indoor and outdoor, into a personal theater. Once you sync it with a device like your phone or laptop, you can use it for socially-distanced gatherings to project your fave Disney movies, at-home workouts, and even to play video games without having to cramp everybody inside a closed space.

Reviewer image of the screen projector used on an indoor wall
Reviewer image of it being used outdoors

Promising review: "This projector has been an amazing addition to our quarantine life at home. Who needs the movies when you have this. The volume is actually really good and the Wi-Fi is helpful. We hook up our Direct TV, Fire Stick, etc, and it all works great with great picture! We’ve been having a blast moving the movies home." —Amazon Customer

Get it from Amazon for $87.74 (clip the "$40 off" coupon on the product page for this price).

47. battery-operated depiller you can use to restore old fabrics to their former glory, instead of living with nice sweaters that all look like they got in a fight with a character on Sesame Street.

The small handheld depiller
Before and after shot of a pilled sweater looking brand new

Promising review: "Okay, I don’t normally rave about things like this. I bought this on a whim in last attempts to save my favorite duvet cover. The pills had gotten to the point where it was seriously uncomfortable to sleep with them getting all up in my leg space. I thought I was going to have to get a new duvet cover entirely. Along came this lil' baby. Not only is my duvet cover basically brand new, but I have found a new hobby. I’m depilling everything. Sweatshirts, leggings, blankets, socks, anything that looks like it needs some love. It does the job quickly and leaves everything looking fresh. Hi I’m obsessed. I can’t stop. I should send this back. I’ve started asking if my neighbors need anything depilled. I’m going to buy one of these for everyone in my life. Everyone needs to own this. Take it away from me." —Sydney Jensen

Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in five colors).

48. shampoo scalp massager you can use in the shower to massage and exfoliate your scalp, giving an *actual* solution to that grease build-up you sometimes get at your roots that makes you have to shower or use dry shampoo more often than you'd like.

reviewer image of the bristles on the blue massager

Promising review: "I'm not washing my hair as often as I should be during quarantine, and after a while my scalp started getting dandruff/flaking skin and was itching. No matter how much I scrubbed the shampoo in with my fingers, my hair still felt oily after showers. I got this and I noticed a BIG difference in my hair after using it. This felt AMAZING while scrubbing my scalp to work the shampoo in (at first I was afraid it wouldn't get to my scalp through my hair or would pull my hair out but neither of those happened) and once my hair dried, I noticed that it wasn't oily at all and my roots were superrr soft. I'm going to recommend this to everyone I know!" —Megan

Get it from Amazon for $7.98 (available in three colors).

49. cold brew coffee maker to prevent you from wincing every time you see the identical weekday charges from the coffee shop on your bank statement. This is so gloriously easy to use that all you have to do is stick your favorite ground coffee in the filter, seal the airtight lid on top, and pop it in the fridge overnight. Boom, four cups of cold brew, fraction of the price.

A pitcher with a coffee filter and a large handle, full of iced coffee in a fridge

Promising review: "Due to Covid-19, I haven't been able to grab a latte from Starbucks or my favorite local spots. I bought this and a milk frother and made some simple syrup and I am in heaven! This cold brew maker makes a great cup of cold brew coffee and it's keeping me caffeinated." —Lindsey Lane

Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

50. A flexible universal tablet stand so you don't have to crane your neck or tire out your arms just to marathon reruns of Parks and Rec in peace.

A model using the four legged flexible black stand on a couch with their tablet hovering above their lap
A model using it to watch television on a tablet in bed

Promising review: "Just started using this and it appears to work better than other stands I've used. I have used it in bed, on the sofa, and in the kitchen while cooking. The three angles are perfect and the height keeps cooking splatters from reaching surfaces. One must remember that when moving from one spot or location to another to readjust the legs as the stand has a tendency to fold up when moved. I love the feature allowing me to use my electronic device while in bed. Time will tell how well the elastic clasp will keep things secured in this position. Absolutely love this stand so far. Gifted my neighbor with one and he seems as pleased as I am." —Sharon

Get it from Amazon for $39.99.

51. selfie ring light so you can finally stop feeling self-conscious on game night Zoom calls where all your friends look well-lit enough to live with the Kardashians and for some reason your apartment looks like a medieval dungeon.

A lit selfie ring on a tripod pointing at a reviewer's desk set up

You can either use this with your phone mounted just under the light for FaceTime or TikTok, or if you're calling or filming from a laptop, you can set up the tripod or the light on your desk behind the screen. Boom, fancy lighting.

Promising review: "I’ve been having to work from home. During this time, I’m in front of my computer doing WebEx calls and Teams. Having to present and talk in front of 20-50+ people. This light is AWESOME! My team even asked what I did and then made their purchase right away!" —Anna Chouinard

Get it from Amazon for $29.99.

52. pet urine stain-removing spray that instantly tackles both old and new stains *plus* the funky smell, so you can enjoy the new quality time you might be getting with your pet without sacrificing your nostrils.

A person spraying the bottle on a carpet

Promising review: "Oh my gosh.... of course my cat decides to go on a PEE SPREE during the COVID pandemic when we are stuck inside our home for days on end!!!!! My cat peed on my mattress, the carpet, and two couches, and since the state went on lockdown, we couldn't have a carpet/upholstery place come in to clean (and even then, they couldn't guarantee anything against CAT URINE, which they say is the worst possible stain/odor to remove). This was our only hope. Well. This worked. It WORKED, PEOPLE. I sprayed the mattress down, soaked it good, soaked a rag in the stuff and laid it on top to THOROUGHLY saturate it. Then I soaked up as much of the residual and let it air dry. and then I BURIED my face in there, punched the mattress to see if any stink 'poofed' up into my face ... and nope. Only the wonderful bubble-gum type scent of this spray was left. So I'm totally happy." —AmazonReviewerJen

Get it from Amazon for $19.96.

53. A set of tiny Command strips perfect for anyone who is constantly forgetting their face masks at the door, and wants an easy, non-permanent way to have them at the ready.

A model putting up command strips on a wall

A few months ago I set up a little Command hook mask corner by my apartment door, and it has been SO HELPFUL — instead of rooting through my masks to find the one that matches best (I'm a vain critter at heart) I can see all the clean ones I have available right in front of me, and don't forget to put it on when I'm in a rush. I also use it to hang my sports masks after I sanitize them and am waiting for them to dry!

As for how the Command hooks work — these have an adhesive on the back for easy application to the wall, which you can pull down on once you're ready to uninstall it without doing any damage to the wallpaper or paint.

Promising review: "I set up a row of these per person in our house on the back of a door near where we exit, to hang our face masks. There is a hook for each day. They are staying on the door, but remember, there isn't much weight from a face mask. Right size for face masks — small. Like that they don't stick out. Working well for our purpose." —Amy

Get a set of 16 from Amazon for $9.99.

54. blister-preventing balm so you can stop chanting "beauty is pain" to yourself every time you have to break in a pair of boots, sandals, or heels.

Model putting the balm on back of heel

Promising review: "I thought this stuff was a bunch of BS, I was like pssh what a waste of $8 ON AMAZON FOR THIS LITTLE THING. Well, I put it on today on spots where my flats rub off the skin. My feet survived an entire day, INTACT! Highly recommend. This product made wearing shoes that rub on your ankles/backs of your feet doable!!!!" —Jamie

Get it from Amazon for $8.

You five minutes after that sleep-focused essential oil blend starts wafting through your room in 2021:


Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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  • 5 hours ago
    Love these lists, fun few minutes of distraction...BUT I am begging Buzzfeed and all readers, PLEASE do not buy intended single-use plastic products, like the CrockPot liners or plastic products you will realistically only use once, like the mask storage clips. It's 2021 people! Please...
  • 3 hours ago
    Ok #11 - the water bottles. They are over $65 on Amazon Canada 😱 even $75...that is utter bullshit! 🤬 I know the currency exchange is not great 🤔 but it’s not THAT bad! It should be like $25 Canadian.... talk about price gouging.😑
  • Side bar: who actually saves wine in a small bottle? ;)
